The Italians, as the first to indulge in espresso, talk about the 4 "M's" for a perfect coffee. Macchina the machine, Macinini, the mill, Mano, the hand, i.e. the totality of the maker's actions. Finally, Miscela, the coffee blend. But to these we must add water. Without quality water, it is difficult, if not impossible, to have good coffee. This is as we encounter about 97% of water in it. Thus, Coffee Machine Filters are extremely important for the result in the cup as well as for the health of the coffee machine. BWT BestMax and Brita professional water filter manufacturers provide a solution to softening your water. In this way, the correct filtration, the preparation of your company's coffee and beverages, will shift to the highest quality and most delicious.
When the water is extremely hard, often over 400ppm, then a reverse osmosis system is the only way to go.