The right coffee presses for each espresso machine are very important, so that we have the right extractions at the right times. This way we avoid unpleasant surprises.
So pressing the coffee is extremely important. The force we exert should be equal to about 15-20 kg. Also, the press should be done once and in a straight line, so that we don't have different extraction from the spout left and right. Before that, we should have "layered" the ground coffee, either by hand or with an equalizer. We recommend using the tool for more stable and homogeneous results.
There are presses with a straight base, concentric circles for a larger wetting surface or with a curve. Choose what you like!
For greater convenience and standardization there are also dynamometers, which exert constant force with a spring.
Available Dimensions:
53mm (Astoria, Spaziale), 54mm (San Marco, Dalla Corte), 58mm (Wega, La Marzocco, Vibiemme)